Tuesday, November 1, 2011

How to Get a Big Porn Star Penis Naturally - Secrets From a Male Pornstar

Before I explain how simple it is to increase your penis size, here are a few statistics.

  • A 2002 study published in the journal European Urology found that of the women they surveyed, 90% were cited to find a wide penis more sexually pleasing than a long one (Francken et. al. 42).
  • A study at the University of Texas (Pan-American), found that 45 out of 50 women surveyed found wider penises more sexually satisfying than longer ones (Eisenman 1).

Fortunately with the techniques that I am going to share with you, not going is your girth going to increase, but your length as well.

Your Penis Muscle

Your penis is a muscle and like any other muscle in your body, you need to exercise it. Muscles in your body that don't get used atrophy - they become weak and you flab soon takes over.

So if you want to get a big porn star penis naturally, all you need to do is work out these penis muscles. It's that simple.

How Do You Do A Penis Exercises

Like with any muscle in your body and before any workout session you need to first warm up. The fastest and easiest way to warm up before a penis exercise is to take a hot shower. You can also get a warm towel and place it on your penis and surrounding area for 2-3 minutes.

The technique that I am going to teach you is called wet jelqing that many male porn stars swear by to get a bigger penis. To do this you will need lubrication or oil ( I recommend coconut, olive, almond or grape-seed), and you penis must be 20-40% erect.

Put oil on both your hands and your penis and grab the base of your penis with one hand and slowly move down the shaft. If you start getting aroused, stop and wait till you are about 20-40% erect again. Switch to your other hand and continue to do this 15 times each hand. That's it!

On average, in the span of two months men see bigger penises and an inch of growth.

If you are really serious about learning how to get a big penis, I highly recommend you get the bestselling penis exercise book, now an eBook, Exercising the Penis by Aaron Kemmer.

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